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Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Power of Words

Human beings are influenced about what they hear. What we hear from other people influences our thinking patterns and decisions. That is why it is best to stop associating with people who think negatively and talk negatively. What we also say affects us in many ways. Self-talks have their own influence on us. So we have to watch out every word that we speak.

The words we say either to ourselves or to others sow seeds of what we will think and do in the future. A person starts to believe what he/she says.  The more you keep on saying something the more it becomes part of you and the more it determines your actions.

Therefore, you can influence what you do, either negatively or positively. If you constantly talk things that are negative your end up behaving negatively. If you constantly talks positively you end up doing things that are positive. Therefore, it is best to speak positively about yourself and your plans. You also need to watch the things that you say even when you are joking. This is so because the things we speak will sink into us and will mold our subconscious minds.

If you want to achieve great things, speak positively of your dreams. You need to speak from your heart and you will definitely create positive vibrations. Confess to others the desires of your heart and be positive that you will achieve these. Words have great power- the power to build or to destroy. Many people get into self-destruction because of what they say. Do not speak doubt of the things you wish to achieve. The ether will pick these up and you will not make it.

Therefore, it is best to listen to the words that we speak to other people. These words influence our thinking patterns. Let us keep being positive. Let us speak positively and we make it in life. In most case people create fear by what they keep on saying. As you know fear paralyses everything. It paralyses hope and faith, and dampen our spirit and motivation. It sucks away our energy, hence we may never achieve what we want.
Our words have power. We can create abundance or poverty through our words. We therefore should learn to watch, control and amend our thoughts. We should therefore rectify and control what we say. To achieve our dreams, how big they may be we need to confess our desires by our mouths.

Action Plan:
Things that I always speak negatively:

My dreams
Write your greatest desires:

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