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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Mannabase Offering Universal Basic income

Mannabase is a site that distributes basic income cryptos called Manna. It gives anyone who is proven to be a unique person some cryptocurrency. The distributed crypto coin is called Manna, which is the first digital currency to be given to people in order for them to meet their basic needs.

The People’s Currency Foundation, a United States-based non-profit making organisation is responsible for the distribution of the free cryptocurrency. This is done as a humanitarian gesture, the motive is to help poor people to survive.
It is not yet clear if this initiative is sustainable. However, considering the extent of the current global humanitarian assistance universal basic income can be sustained. The difference is people are using fiat currency to help the underprivileged people.

 With Mannabase people are paid in cryptocurrency.
All people registered with Mannabase receive a monthly income in the form of Manna. The amount of Manna that a person receives every month is not fixed. It depends on the number of members per month.

One of the objectives of Mannabase is to help poor people in the world by offering income in the form of cryptocurrency. It also aims to support developing nations, as many of their residents become recipients of the universal Basic income (UBI)

In order for Mannabase to achieve this target, it works with business organisations, non-profit organisations and volunteers in various areas of expertise to create a suitable network. This network is responsible for coordinating and sourcing funding to be channelled towards this global cause.

The organisation aims to create partnerships with various organisations, financial institutions and governments. Empowering people of the world is their vision.

If you want to be part of Mannabase you need to register. You may need to wait for a certain period for your application to be approved.

The good thing is that the Manna is now listed on the exchange: As of the end of 2018, the Manna had a circulating market cap of US$4 million.

The platform facilitates a number of worth activities such as allowing users to donate cryptos to each other or towards certain charitable causes.

Looking at the way Mannabase is performing, it seems that it will help to cascade the knowledge of cryptocurrencies to various levels of society. Many people will be able to accept the role or cryptocurrency in the development of nations and societies.

You can refresh your knowledge of universal basic income by reading the article, Universal Basic Income

You are free to register at Mannabase now. 

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